Word Reader

Flexible tool to view and convert Office documents and PDFs between formats.


With Word Reader, you don’t need to have Microsoft Word installed on your computer to open and read DOC, DOCX, RTF, TXT, HTML, and even PDF files.

This free tool offers you a well-designed interface for you to read your Word and PDF documents in a comfortable way. Besides, it allows you to convert any of these documents into any of the other formats supported.

This simple reading tool comes with all the features you need to move around your documents. The full-text search will let you locate a specific word or sentence in a breeze, while the scrollbar and the next and previous page controls will let you move forwards and backwards with just a few clicks. You can toggle the reading mode between full page and full screen, and use the zoom in and out icons to enlarge or shrink the font. If so desired, you can even change the type font of the original file into a more comfortable one. As a bonus, you can print your documents from Word Reader, and check the final result beforehand using the Print Preview feature.

As mentioned above, this reading tool offers also some conversion capabilities, though limited to the file formats supported (DOC, DOCX, PDF, TXT, RTF, and HTML) and without offering much room for output customization. Either way, as far as document reading is concerned, Word Reader will exceed your expectations. Even though it is a free tool, it offers much more than just an interface where to read Word files.


  • Converts Office and PDF documents between formats
  • Various text view modes
  • Support for all types and versions of Office files
  • Opens PDF, HTML, and TXT files


  • No drawbacks found
This program received 7 awards
Abdio Software Inc.
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